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Copy From Pdf To Excel

  1. To copy a column of data from a PDF to a program other than Excel, please check that program’s on-line help documentation or the program instruction manual to determine how to arrange the numbers in the format you desire once they have been copied from the PDF document.
  2. How to convert PDF to Excel? In this tutorial, I'll show you how to convert PDF to Excel worksheet as well as simple and free way to copy it over and format it correctly. Share this video: https.
  1. Copy From Pdf To Excel In One Cell
  2. Copy Paste From Pdf To Excel

When I copy data in a table like this from a PDF, it gets translated into plain text without any delimiting characters to distinguish which column the data is in. It would be helpful if I could highlight only a single column in the pdf at a time, but it currently tries to select left to right both columns as I highlight.

Active6 months ago

Directly Copy and Paste PDF Data to Excel To copy and paste PDF Data to Excel directly, you can click on the 'Select' button after you've imported a PDF file to the program. Then move the cursor to select the data you wanted, right click on it and choose the 'Copy' option. After this you can paste selected data from PDF to the Excel file. Copying PDF as an Image. You cannot copy a PDF to Excel directly, as Excel does not have built-in support for the PDF file format. However, you can display PDF content as an image in Excel. When I copy data in a table like this from a PDF, it gets translated into plain text without any delimiting characters to distinguish which column the data is in. It would be helpful if I could highlight only a single column in the pdf at a time, but it currently tries to select left to right both columns as I highlight. In this tutorial, learn how to export or convert PDF to Excel using Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard or Acrobat 9 Pro. If you're using Acrobat X or XI, check out the How to export PDF to Word or Excel quick tip video. Acrobat offers a couple of different ways to export or convert PDF to Excel. Converting to Excel from PDF: Copy Table as Spreadsheet.

When I copy data in a table like this from a PDF, it gets translated into plain text without any delimiting characters to distinguish which column the data is in.


It would be helpful if I could highlight only a single column in the pdf at a time, but it currently tries to select left to right both columns as I highlight. Is there any trick for this?

2,7848 gold badges20 silver badges31 bronze badges
Luke AllenLuke Allen

4 Answers

Holding down the Alt key should allow you to select a column of text.

(Note: I've only tested this with Acrobat Pro, not Acrobat Reader.)

Mike FitzpatrickMike Fitzpatrick
14.8k4 gold badges37 silver badges41 bronze badges

Copy From Pdf To Excel In One Cell

You can use the Microsoft word 'Convert to table' function outlined here.

It's not exactly what you need but at least it is quicker. Virtualbox windows 98 video driver.


Try to upload it to Google Docs and then save as XLS file, it should work


It's not straight forward, however there are a large number of free or cheap services in the cloud for extracting such tables from PDFs.

Please find below the comparison table automated table extraction solutions according to Zanran:

So based on above, you may consider Zanran's Table Xtractor which has ability to finds the tables in your PDFs and converts them to Excel.

13.1k18 gold badges88 silver badges134 bronze badges

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Active1 year, 2 months ago

I have a table of data and I need to get it into Excel. I found a few websites that suggested copy and paste into MS Word and then use the 'Convert Text to Table' which unfortunately doesn't work as the columns come in with a space in between them but if I choose space as the column separator it breaks up columns that have multiple words in them into different columns.

Is there a better recommended way to get a table from a PDF file into Excel?

2,23332 gold badges84 silver badges114 bronze badges

3 Answers

The whole thing is much simpler than mentioned in the other answer.

In Acrobat/Reader, choose the Text Selection tool, and bring your table into full view. Beat the boss online game.

Now press the Ctrl/Option key and select the table. You will notice that the cursor changes. When the selection is complete, you can copy and paste into Excel.

Max WyssMax Wyss

I would like to suggest you VBA Code, this will Transpose the Copied Data Table from PDF to Excel.

Follow below written steps.

  1. Copy Table Data from PDF file.
  2. Paste in Excel sheet in a Column.
  3. Run the VBA code.

Check the Screen Shot.

NB:The Data I've used to TEST the code has 3 Column(RED Colour Value), so that with For Loop Step & Resize value is 3. You change according to your Data structure.

Hope this help you.

Rajesh SRajesh S
6,0804 gold badges9 silver badges27 bronze badges
Copy From Pdf To Excel

A bit late to the party, but for the benefit of anyone finding this via Google:

There are plenty of free web services you can use for this instead of struggling with copy pasting via Word etc. Picking the right service depends on your PDF and needs.

Is the entire file a table and you want to convert it all?-> Try

Are there individual tables, e.g. on a page with lots of other text, you want to copy?-> Try

Is your PDF a scanned file (i.e. it is actually an image saved as a PDF)?-> Try


Copy Paste From Pdf To Excel

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