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Vagrant Download Windows 10

Active3 years, 8 months ago

As a Windows developer, running Hyper-V on your development machine is a must. In this post, you will learn how to build a Hyper-V Windows 10 Vagrant Box to help ease that process.

not sure why I'm having this issue but I can't add vagrant boxes.

Using windows 10, tried on powershell and simple command prompt. same issue. It's a relatively fresh install of windows. Maybe I'm missing some required package?

How to use Vagrant with HyperV on Windows. First thing you need to know about using HyperV on Windows is you need to have at least Windows 10 Aniversary Update or higher. While its possible to run HyerV on earlier versions of windows like Windows 8, this guide makes use of some network features only available in Windows 10. I have upgraded today from Windows 7 Professional to Windows 10. When I was trying to boot a VM (Laravel Homestead) using vagrant it doesn't start. I installed VirtualBox and Vagrant (without uninstall and reboot the machine) and then I reboot the machine. Once I did this the VM starts correctly. Vagrant is an amazing tool for managing virtual machines via a simple to use command line interface. With a simple vagrant up you can be working in a clean environment based on a standard template. These standard templates are called base boxes, and this website is simply a list of boxes people have been nice enough to make publicly available. Vagrant2.2.5; vagrant2.2.4; vagrant2.2.3; vagrant2.2.2; vagrant2.2.1; vagrant2.2.0; vagrant2.1.5; vagrant2.1.4; vagrant2.1.3; vagrant2.1.2; vagrant2.1.1.

first i tried this command:

and got the error:

So I downloaded the box manually and tried this:

And got this error again:


1 Answer

Found the answer here:

Need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010

Vagrant Download For Windows 10

Above git forum has the link to the needed download


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Long story short, ansible does not work on a Windows control machine, so you basically have to:

Vagrant box windows 10 download

Install Vagrant On Windows

  • either run ansible --connection=local .. in the target vm
  • set up a separate control vm where ansible is installed via shell provisioner
Vagrant Download Windows 10

Active Client 7 64 Bit

Below are Vagrantfile examples for both approaches

Within the Target VM

This requires the vagrant-guest_ansible plugin to be installed (, see this pull request).


From a Separate Control VM

This does not require any additional plugins, but needs a shell script to install ansible in the control VM:


World war 1 pc games. This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)This is a list of video games that are set in World War I.