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Startup Programs Windows 7

  1. Startup Programs Windows 7 Professional
  2. Startup Programs Windows 7 Cmd
  3. Startup Programs Windows 7 Folder
  4. Startup Programs Windows 7 Registry
'knwetlk' wrote in message news:c2ff3fd1-3e32-46d9-9522-ec05034a2db1..
> How do I manage programs that startup on Windows 7
First, note that you should be concerned with *all* programs that start
automatically, not just with those that go into the system tray. Not all
autostarting programs manifest themselves by an icon in the tray.
On each program you don't want to start automatically, check its Options to
see if it has the choice not to start (make sure you actually choose the
option not to run it, not just a 'don't show icon' option). Many can easily
and best be stopped that way. If that doesn't work, run MSCONFIG from the
Start Run line, and on the Startup tab, uncheck the programs you don't
want to start automatically.
However, if I were you, I wouldn't do this just for the purpose of running
the minimum number of programs. Despite what many people tell you, you
should be concerned, not with how *many* of these programs you run, but
*which*. Some of them can hurt performance severely, but others have no
effect on performance.
Don't just stop programs from running willy-nilly. What you should do is
determine what each program is, what its value is to you, and what the cost
in performance is of its running all the time. You can try google searches
and ask about specifics here.
Once you have that information, you can make an intelligent informed
decision about what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of.
Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP (Windows Desktop Experience) since 2003
Ken Blake

If you use a Windows 7 program often, you can have it launch automatically every time you start your computer. Having Windows automatically start your favorite programs for you whenever you startup your computer saves you the time and trouble of starting each program yourself. Bearshare free music downloads.

Jul 12, 2009  Windows 7: Startup Programs - Change. Open the Start Menu, type msconfig in the search box, press Enter, and go to step 3 below. Open the Control Panel (icons view) and click on the Administrative Tools icon, then click on System Configuration. Open the Startup tab in the Windows system configuration, which can be opened by running msconfig from the run or search line. Once in the Startup tab, you can find the file name of the program under the Command column. B) Repeat to enable anymore listed startup programs. To Disable All Listed Startup Programs A) Click on the Disable all button. B) Go to step 9. To Enable All Listed Startup Programs A.

For example, if you check e-mail and then browse the Internet every day, you can have Windows start your e-mail program and your browser for you while you sip your morning coffee.

Startup Programs Windows 7 Professional

If you place too many programs in Startup, it might take a minute or two before you can get to work because you have to wait for programs to load. Don’t overfill your Startup folder: Use it just for the programs you need most often.

1Click Start→All Programs.

Startup Programs Windows 7 Cmd

A list of all the programs on your computer appears.

Startup Programs Windows 7 Folder

2Right-click the Startup folder and click Open.

Startup Programs Windows 7 Registry

You may have to scroll down to see the Startup folder near the bottom of the menu. After you click Open, the contents of the Startup folder appear in an Explorer window.

3Right-click Start and choose Open Windows Explorer.

Another Explorer window opens.

4Locate the program you want to start when you start Windows, then drag into the Startup folder.

A shortcut icon to the program appears in the Startup folder. Repeat this process to add other programs to the Startup folder.

5Click the Close button in the upper-right corner of both Explorer windows to close them.

The programs you moved will now open every time you start Windows 7.


You can remove an application from Startup folder by right-clicking the application in the Startup folder in Windows Explorer and choosing Delete.